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Sunday, December 9, 2012


I can hardly believe its been a week since my last post!  Well finals week is over and I am so excited about a few glorious class work free weeks!!!

Wow do I wish I had discovered my love for making beautiful things with my hands to share with others years ago!!!  I would have taken a completely different path scholastically, but never mind, I must persevere 

This November and going in to December has been truly amazing.  Thanks to the holiday season I have had  more lovely people buying my journals out of my little shop than I think of all time.  Granted that still is just an order a week or so but it is so EXCITING!!!  I absolutely love when someone runs across my little place on Etsy and falls in love with something that I have loved making.

Lets face it.  Even if I never made a single sale I would still be doing what I am doing because I love it and by golly a lot of my friends would be constantly getting surprised gifts in the mail but it just means so much to my little family!  Anywho, sorry this post doesn't really go anywhere or entertain or teach but I was just feeling super grateful, and passionate and blessed and I only hope to continue to grow as a crafter and person.

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