Hello! Thanks for stopping by and taking a peek into my life and what inspires me.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

It's Almost 2014!!!

Hi!  Wow. Is anyone else as surprised how quickly the New Year is approaching?!  I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season. I have been super busy with making presents this year.  I've discovered shopping for presents is much easier!  But this has been a lean year. And anyways. Handmade stuff is sooo much more personal!

Just popping in to say that 2014 should be a really productive, fun year!  Thanks to my new Finsbury Filofax I am hoping to have a very successful well planned year. What are your plans for 2014?  Any resolutions?  This next year I will be blogging a lot more, at least twice a week. Crafting a TON!!!  So look for new things in my SHOP.  And I will be focusing on health!  I mean, I'm a girl in my 30's now!

Hope everyone has a wonderful New Year. Oh. And there is still time to grab a journal from my shop to use for 2014!!!!  And if you don't see exactly what you want. Let me know!  I love making custom times.


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

There is Gingerbread in the Air

It is almost Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!! Just popping in really quick for a HELLO!  Busy wonderful time of year isn't it?  Just wanted to remind my 3 readers that I still have some Journals and Journal Kits in my Shop and you should still be able to get them before the BIG DAY!  Also I still have time for some Custom Journal Kits so just let me know!

And, school is almost done for the semester so that means more fun time for me!!!  Be on the lookout for 3 or 4 new Videos from me before the new year!

I hope everyone is taking it slow and enjoying this always magical season.  Merry Wishes To ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

My Field Note size Travelers Notebook!

A List of Things to Journal!

I wrote this list today to remind myself of all of the things I want to include in my personal journal, I did this while waiting for my YouTube video to load!!!  It is almost done now.  So, here is how I spent some of my time in between scouring the house for guests who aren't coming...

Things to Journal About

v     Lists, lists of everything and anything, just write lists!
v     Horoscopes, because they are often wrong but sometime insightful
v     Mail Log, won’t it be nice to see how much mail you’ve received?
v     An Index, because sometimes you might want to refer back to that horoscope
v     Addresses, so if you are ever lost of\r on the go, you have them!
v     Weather, the mild and the shattering
v     Life’s Tidbits, whether you think it important now, or not, you will later
v     Photos, the silly and the serious
v     Goals, whether they be life long or just for this weekend, accomplished or not
v     Quotes, to match your mood or uplift it
v     Recipes, the yummy and the horrifically awful, include them all!
v     Stories, you love, to write, have read
v     Poetry, whether they are wondrous works of your own or of others
v     Lyrics, of your favorite songs or of your own, we experience through music
v     Dreams, to reflect on and marvel at your unconscious imagination
v     Drawings or Sketches, because no one else can interpret like you can
v     Plans, either for the future or just for today, what do you hope to do?
v     Accomplishments, so you remember to pat yourself on the back
v     Happenings, what’s going on around you, be the nosy neighbor
v     Ideas, we have so many ideas!!! Write them down, all of them
v     Charts, whether they be serious or just for fun, experiment
v     Graphs, see reason above!
v     Water Colors or Paintings, because happening across something colorful is fun
v     Memories, so those who read about you later will get a sense of your past
v     Book Reviews, so you can keep track of what you’ve read and WHY
v     Movies Reviews, so you can be that awesome friend to recommend it
v     Places to visit, write out all of the details of a “hope to happen someday” trip
v     New Things, whether it be new knowledge or something you saw, archive it
v     Assignments, either school assignments or ones for life, yours and others
v     Blessings, so you remember to be thankful
v     Prayers, so you don’t forget to fill you universe with good vibes
v     Experiences, whether they be profound or very simple, write them down
v     Happy Thoughts, to be revisited when you are feeling down
v     Headlines, because we learn from the past
v     Wishes, so you don’t forget to hope and work towards making a better life
v     Emotions, to either hold onto or to purge, it’s therapeutic
v     Mantras, to help you stay focused and determined
v     Reflections, so you may have a deeper insight into your life
v     Fears, so you can find a way to banish them and heal
v     Facts, so you can be a smarty and win pub quizzes!!!
v     Lessons whether to be taught to others, or important ones you have learned
v     Maps, because well, maps are just fun… And they could come in handy one day!
v     Events, crazy weddings, bah mitzvahs, comic con, whatever! Write about them
v     Predictions, whether your own or those of others, about you or our universe
v     Epiphany’s, so you can learn from them!
v     Realizations, most often the simple realizations in life are the most profound
v     Love Stories, because everyone loves a good love story
v     Milestones, the day you had a root canal, got apocalyptic highlights, all of it

v     Jokes, a practiced joke teller is a good joke teller, laughter is food for the soul!