Ahhhhhh!!! Has it really been almost a month since my last post?! Oh my...
Where has this year gone??? Yesterday. I got that feeling. That feeling you get round Christmas time? It was just a glimmer... But oh my goodness it is going to be the end of another year so quickly!!! Ah!
These last few months have been so fun and busy!!! My friend makes fun of me when I say I have a list of things to do and they are all self imposed crafty fun mail things. But they are important to me!!! Just because my list doesn't consist of chores and work doesn't make it less important.
So! Here are some snap shots of what I have been doing!!! And there WILL be a blog post later this week. Because I am on vacation!!!!!!!!! Yayee for free time. Hugs!!! Cheers!!!
Stationery!!! This is all from Kawaii Ya and holy cow do you SEE the pig donuts and panda bread? How freaking awesome are they??? I can't wait to write letters!
This is my stationery hoard, not too massive!!! I mean it all (ok well not all now because of the above pictures...) fits in a shoe box!!!
These are my new pilot Frixion pens, in rainbow colors, and they rock!!! They ERASE! How cool is that? They are especially great for letter writing and Filofaxing!
Winnie wanted a mil box for the house. So we made one, now she can send daddy and mommy mail. Man I love this kid to bits!!!
This is just ONE of the amazing things I have received lately in the mail. Yes, that is a one of a kind hand painted envelope!!! Soooooo amazing, I have NO CLUE what I will ever be able to send her in return...
This is my new Lomo 35mm Camera La Sardina!!! It has a wide angle lens and the ability to take multiple exposures! I am a little dismayed to find that hardly anyone develops film these days... And that the places who do charge about $15 bucks per roll!!! But alas I will just have to make every shot count and every print into a piece of artwork.
While getting re acquainted with Lomography I have pulled out my Mini Diana!!! She also takes multiple exposures and is a square format camera that can also take 2 side by side shots on one frame! And a bonus is her manual advance so you can also blend the frames together! So fun. I can't wait to develop my film!
I got my Envelope Punch!!! Don't know what that is? GOOGLE IT! I have made ohhhhhh a hundred envies in no time flat? No paper is safe now... Muahahahahahaha
I have discovered I LOVE writing letters on my typewriter!!! I have weak hands, pout. So writing can be especially uncomfortable. But writing a letter on a computer is just... sad. Plain white paper, computer fonts... UGH! But the typewriter! The typewriter enables you to use all of your stationery hoard! It also makes your letter quirky and filled with all of the typos you would find in a hand written letter. No spell check, no grammar correct and once you have advanced down a line there is no going back and editing. LOVES IT!

THESE! Are just SOME of the un-used vintage stamps I ordered from Ebay! They are wonderful!!! I got about $45 bucks worth of really old stamps of all kinds from all over. They make a letter look so neat! When I received these I decided to add up how many stamps I have. Now you see I have only been pen paling really for about five months? But I have always had stamps! I have always loved the idea of mail. So every time I would go to the post office over the last oh 6 years I would buy a neat sheet (isn't that what you are supposed to do?) Well, I now have enough stamps to write about 400 domestic letters!!! How did that happen??? LOL
Sorry for the long winded share! I have just been doing so many fun things I wanted to pop in, at least to update my like 2 followers... I once again pledge my promise to BLOG more, or at least attempt to! Have an amazing week, I know I will!!!